Monday, September 29, 2014

ice cream w. dogs

 This blog has not been updated all summer. Wish i could say that Bella, Pinto and I were busy having way too much fun to worry about writing about it. But the truth is Summer was like Winter for this hooman - only warmer.

So, explores were few & walks were pretty much limited to around the neighborhood.

But, we were able to celebrate Pinto's Gotcha Day with a nice long hike in the park, a trip to Petsmart for a new toy and a stop for ice cream.

We stopped at a place close to home called Scooters. They serve a generous doggy bowl of ice cream topped w/ a milk bone. Very exciting..... for awhile anyway....


Pinto noticed I had something different......


Bella, never the one to be wasteful, ate all of her doggy bowl. And then....