Sunday, June 26, 2011

diet update

3 Pounds!!

Not quite sure how, but Bella has dropped 3 pounds. 

We celebrated with ice cream. (not really;))

Thursday, June 9, 2011

looking for the lorax: at the dog park

looking for the lorax: at the dog park: "We stand in the dark of the early evening. Grateful that this evening is warmer than the past few have been, but looking forward to longer ..."

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

looking for the lorax: My dog is ecstatic to wake up. I am not sure if...

A post about Bella Jean taken from my other blog.

looking for the lorax:

My dog is ecstatic to wake up. I am not sure if...
: "My dog is ecstatic to wake up. I am not sure if she is greeting the day or her pack that she has not seen in hours of sleep. But whatever..."